Posts by dan from
core / life master / 2008 / april / 04/26/08 (04/26/08) plan, story theory today is another day, and whatever else happens, i propose to – practice with camera, it’s kinesthetic confidence and preparedness until 4:00 – sound for DOG i am electricity. i am iron. i am all these energies and substances. they must…
Read More04-24-08
core / life master / 2008 / april / 4/24/08 (04/24/08) burning out, motivation here are some notes from the past few days. – so i can’t pretend anymore, i’ve got a motivation focus problem. I can’t seem to bring the movie on to the front burner, make it the number one priority. i just…
Read More04-13-08
core / life master / 2008 / april / 4/13 (4/13/08) progress, foley perfect day – bed by 10p and up at 4:00a – 6 hours of sleep! 4-6 MAKE audio foley 9-12 MAKE apply foley, lessons 1-4 MAKE after effects 4-5 MAKE planning , logistics, communication 6-9 MAKE edit 2+3+3+1+3 = 12 hours MAKE
Read More04-06-08
core / life master / 2008 / april / 4/6 (04-06-08) distractions though we are having a heck of good time on nerve, what with women sending us naked pictures and all (and what guy doesn’t like that?) I am way behind on finishing dog in the real world. it is 4/6 by god and…
Read More04-01-08
core / life master / 2008 / april / 4/1/08 (04/01/08) on training fighting alone There are some things i am hearing that don’t make sense, meaning that why am i the only person who gets it? they have attacked me clearly and upon my response the future of earth depends. if i only cower…
Read More04-00-08
core / life master / 2008 / april / laura’s smart dust (04-00-08) discarded smart dust that never dies think of the garbage that floats around on the sidewalk today, the job that it was originally intended to do, then imagine smart dust taking over those jobs and eventually becoming discarded smart dust that never…
Read More03-26-08 moving pictures collective
core / life master / 2008 / march / 03/26/08 moving pictures collective (03/26/08) notes, moving picture collective meeting bluray license $4500 anton bauer has the skinny on batteries on airplanes 2×160, small enough as many as you want. planning with the sound guys, what’s the strategy handles on either side, audio embedded. telecine digibeta…
Read More03-26-08
core / life master / 2008 / march / 03/26/08 notes on producing fundamentals (03/26/08) producing fundamentals cover letter captures the spirit of the project, exciting. not dry capture the readers eyeballs make sure the funder knows you’ve done your homework summary – credits – who i am
Read More03-26-08
core / life master / 2008 / march / 03/26/08 (03/26/08) plans, foley, camera organize foley loops – next step is to audition all items needed and gather them together 1:11 looked for other camera iron until now
Read More03-26-08 sound finishing workshop
core / life master / 2008 / march / 03/26/08 sound finishing (03/26/08) notes, sound finishing workshop – organizing the stuff you want getting rid of what you don’t want – like elements together, organize tracks by category – foreground, midground, background? priority of the scene – quality of the sound – quality of the…
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