Posts by dan from
flying down to PR for the peace and sea and love of the earth before it’s all gone, washed away, baked, burnt etc. I heard last night that it’s happening even faster the icecaps are melting way ahead of schedule. my little movie seems so trite and pointless after all that, for sure within another…
Read More12-12-08
core / life master / 2008 / december / December 12 collaboration failure, book of DOG, gear, motivation I’ve released the collaborators and closed down the book of DOG. It just didn’t have the robust response I was counting on, a lackluster response could potentially threaten my own motivation and dedication which is paramount. i…
Read More12-10-08
core / life master / 2008 / december / December 10 (12-10-08) plan, realistic evaluations, unrealistic predictions, editorial we watched two movies yesterday and still have not solved the exposition question. the house is a mess and there are no hard drives posted on craigs. we have to realize that I can not waste anymore…
Read More12-09-08
core / life master / 2008 / december / December 9 (12-09-08) plans, motivation, burnout, editorial, approach and no help forthcoming on the movie, though there is still two days left. the least of our problems. we have no problems actually. prostatitus has diminished in intensity and i have a plan for completion that might…
Read MoreBook of DOG Introduction
Book of DOG, as posted on with links emailed to prospective contractors 12-01-2008. Posted 04-21-14. Daughter of God presents a detailed universe complete with defunct advertising, health advisories, safety posters, end times grafitti and more. I had originally planned to design and illustrate all these elements myself but I’ve got to concentrate on the…
Read More11-13-08
core / life master / 2008 / november / november 13 (11-13-08) mocha, roto, pete oconnell hey, yesterday turned out to be productive. I ran the park, biked into NYC and learned more about mocha, perhaps solved the tracking issue. some technical details need to be added to the lab manual, plus a roto strategy…
Read More11-12-08 dog fix SS
* PLAN 2008 / dog fix SS 11-12-08 1.ods (11/12/08) open office spreadsheet – most recent comprehensive wish list for pilot version (many earlier versions) dog fix SS 11-12-08 1.ods dog fix SS 11-12-08 1
Read More11-12-08
core / life master / 2008 / november / november 12 (11-12-08) progress, unrealistic predictions crikey! it’s already the 12th and DOG is behind, WAY WAY WAY behind! shit! fuck!
Read More11-08-08 unless movies are alive
core / life master / 2008 / november / november 8 (11-08-80) movies, relationship, movies are alive also talking to one or two out in the world, that’s perfectly acceptable. how to keep a conversation going. how to intrigue and entertain – forever. it’s like a making a movie. but movies also teach and relationships…
Read More11-07-08
core / life master / 2008 / november / november 7 (11-07-08) story fragment idea, non reproducible results, rationale for magic, miracles, religious efficaciousness been listening to richard dawkins, and two things – 1) reproducible vs non reproducible results and 2) stories are cool because i can have characters say things that i would like…
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