WHY why dot movie?

[March 17, 2019]

Why.movie is a unique application of WordPress. Neither blog nor store, rather an enhancement of my own cognition, specifically with regards to a very complex project. I am deliberately offering access to anyone with a computer and some fluency with the English language because I've been inspired by so many others who have shared their discoveries and insights. My conceit is that revealing this movie making (and self making) process is a service to all humanity and therefor a turbo boost to cosmic consciousness, generally. In return, I expect even more boons and hints from interdimensional aliens and dead people. Also, when I make an auspicious blunder, I revel in instant replays. Last but not least, writing is fun.

Ideally, this is where the open source rubber hits the road, because the story making and production process happens here. I've mused on why why.movie IS my process, not a replication for public consumption, which the podcasts episodes have at times tried to be. That's the promise, to be making the movie in full view of whoever wants to watch and perhaps contribute, inspired by the windows on the Exploratorium Exhibit Development Shop...

A sign hangs over our workshop that reads “Here is being created the Exploratorium.” Almost all of our exhibits are made at the museum by our staff. In the Exhibit Development Shop, which is open to public view, you’ll find woodworking equipment, drills, lathes, electronics benches, a welding area, and plenty of exhibits in various stages of development. This workshop, and the exhibits created there, are the heart of the Exploratorium.

Ideas for exhibits can come from anywhere. Visiting artists and scientists sometimes propose exhibits. Inspiration also comes from research articles, news stories, and even YouTube videos. Often, an exhibit emerges spontaneously when someone is just playing with stuff and seeing what happens.

What makes a good exhibit? We like exhibits that let you interact directly with real phenomena—as opposed to models or simulations. Real phenomena react in robust and interesting ways as you interact with them, encouraging you to explore, ask questions, and find your own answers.

Once we find a promising idea, we build a rough prototype and get feedback from staff and visitors as quickly as possible. Ideas may get dropped at this stage, or morph into something new. If an exhibit seems to be working well, we‘ll build a more-or-less permanent version, with increased attention to aesthetics and durability.

Our exhibits are never “done.” We always watch for opportunities to improve them, and many exhibits experience several incarnations. The exhibits, like the museum itself, are a perpetual work in progress.

© Exploratorium

Comments on posts here do not feel productive, even by contractors and crew. Open Source isn't the same as collaboration, why.movie feels great as a window, but not as a door. The saws and drill press aren't accessible to museum visitors. For now, activity can be summarized weekly via podcast episode, where comments and feedback are encouraged. Encouraging emails too.

[March 6, 2019] Profound to me, that's all that profound has to be. I've been practicing the art of not giving a fuck what others might think or say about me. Not that anyone is saying anything other than wonderful things about me, right at this moment. Perhaps in the past they did, and that might have mattered to me then had I known. The question of whether anyone will dis me in the future is steadily leaking relevance. The point is to be focused on loveliness and yummies, fly around or above storms. Storms take us higher, where the sun shines.

I bring this up because I'm about to reveal unprecedented access to my inner experience, and as I'm enjoying being me more and more, being human generally, deeper sharing feels like a wonderful gift I am able to give. If however Dan Kelly is not your cup of tea, by all means take your attention to where YOUR joy IS. Otherwise, here's the epiphany du jour.

I just kind of stumbled upon this about 10 minutes ago, the pieces dropped into place and wham.

Since starting my movie making journey, I've been trying to leverage computers to track and organize all the components. I imagined some sort of friendly database that could handle different media and link back and forth between the chunks. WordPress seemed perfect and I was excited when I discovered how to install a private site on my laptop years back. Why.movie is just the latest deployment of this Deep Development Archive.

What's new tonight, hot off the press? I am delighted to discover that why.movie isn't a stunt or a promotional gimmick. Sure, I thought making an open source movie might be an interesting quirk that could set DOG apart, magnetize an audience and encourage collaborators to get involved. Perhaps even add to the sum of human knowledge.

Tonight's epiphany is way more important than building an audience, encouraging collaborators or increasing human knowledge! I've realized my original objective of managing a movie production that suits my style. Why.movie works, I feel way more effective, competent, able to flow right through whatever shows up. The details and intricacy of the process are inspiring.

There isn't someplace else that this movie is happening, it's all happening right here AND right here just happens to be accessible to anyone with a web device. That is mind blowing. Two things that don't have any business being together are suddenly more than the sum of their disparate parts.

I create and every step I take is available to anyone willing to do a bit of clicking.

I think this epiphany was triggered by the imminent entry of DOG into the super competitive Festival du Cannes. DOG is a work in progress, so much is going to change between this week and mid May, when Cannes happens. This is the first feature I've written and directed.

Here's an excerpt from https://why.movie/2019/02/28/iteration-one-work-in-progress/

"From the festival's perspective, they are likely reluctant to schedule a film that might not be ready in time for the festival, even if the film was exemplary and the director had a history of completed movies. Film making is notoriously unpredictable, even on the eve of completion a project can self destruct."

Why does DOG have more than a snowball's chance in hell? How many movies have a weekly podcast documenting the discovery of a creative process, of a new voice? Forget about weekly, why.movie offers hourly updates, minute by minute often. A window into artist's very existence, this is. Even if there wasn't a unique post apocalyptic romantic comedy feature, the making is itself a phenomenon. I've never heard of anything like this before. AND the most important part is that the process isn't contrived. Why.movie is a tool I've designed, revised and implemented over years. It's effective and fun. The real thing.

Pondering DOG's chances at prestigious festivals, are we the under DOG? Let's imagine the jury is intrigued by the screener, but are skeptical that this project will be ready in time. Unprecedented deep access to the completion process might inspire confidence, might set DOG apart from other projects, other directors with track records. The universe has got all this figured out. All we got to do is expand lusciousness.




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