Process Log 02-07-16

February 7

I truly appreciate the gods giving me so much help with the financials. Of course, every entry will have to be looked at and evaluated whether it’s a between company transaction or not. I can give Melonie grunt and Kaitlin higher level clean-up.


It’s getting late. Do we want to talk like someone who’s dreams are stifled? A man who never got to be what he truly is? Let others judge their own life, who else’s guidance can I trust but my own? Whatever I am is perfect and worthy, there’s nothing I can do that is wrong or sick or selfish, as long as I follow my bliss. Let others judge themselves, will I forever limit myself to the mob mediocrity, to the comformity of the clan? I can only truly accept others if I am willing to accept myself. George with violence dripping from his tongue.

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