from outreach and distribution

Enter asian film festivals and send Eshan and Richa as reps. Same goes for Japan (maho) western canada (steve) Europe (Carmen) etc.

complete credits remind us who can help. Generate a how to help DOG get out there document, social media, regional groups, localize for everyone who helped.

eshan and blushing bride to dogthemovie



cody stowe

ben woody


the other kid from FNM

Chuck Zwicky – sound mix

Emily Votruba – copy editing

Jordan Bates – web

complete credits remind us who can help. Generate a how to help DOG get out there document, social media, regional groups, localize for everyone who helped.

Enter asian film festivals and send Eshan and Richa as reps. Same goes for Japan (maho) western canada (steve) Europe (Carmen) etc.

An online event for the cast and crew.

dogthemovie not getting the full feed from holyboners (jordan)

twitter feed

facebook feed
dog blog history of the project

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