03-25-08 mind map
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The xhtml version is messy but the most intelligible. If this functionality could be available inside wordpress, indexed, editable and consistently formatted – oh what a wonderful world this would be.
Here’s a defunct plugin.
The text so WordPress can index…
How to do it all?
Would i kill for a forest? For an ocean? I can imagine it. That statement does not make me a nice guy, a good guy. I acknowledge the darkness. Consumer robots are eating the earth, would i wipe them out to save the earth? I’ll bet I can find a way of killing the consumers without ending their lives.
Kill the consumers. What’s great about me is I am crafting my vision in my forties, it’s based on 45 years of experience. I’ve known wealth and it’s ravages, and have developed decent coping strategies. So I’m armored against being sucked into the borg. They’d have to throw a lot of hot and affectionate young women at me, super messed up and crafty ones. that’s their only hope of ever stopping me…
This is a lame idea and sort of adolescent in it’s scope. but there may be a gem in there somewhere.
but this sort of question is never conclusively answered, and so the purpose of a document about it is to explore and discover. that document is never finished but ever growing and becoming more complex and interesting.
so if we base a document on that, it will be highly transitorybut it seems things flow from that, like mission, business plan, how to do it all because those things are somewhat more definable, in fact these are the sorts of questions we use to explore the territory.
also these things could almost be worlds unto themselves, or at least they could point to documents that would be more fixed in content and scope. thought is set play, there are these fuzzy sets and we are constantly making distinctions about how they relate to each other.
Therefor, we immediately run into the issue of duplication and confusion between whether something belongs to one category or another, when in fact they belong to both at the same time.what i am imagining is a mind map where ideas or concepts are connected to multiple origins and or destinations, and the connections between the ideas becomes the vital ( i accidentally wrote viral) visualization.
and the dan kelly way is to say everything 3 times, because there are different viewports on the data, different personalities within and each of them must understand it in their own way, each of them are more often talking to each other and not so much to the other person in the room. We can turn this into a excercise, a mediation, say everything three times and listen to it sink like a stone tossed on the pond. let the words loose their meaning and ripple into silence so that the words vanish and all that’s left is what they pointed to, after all.
in conclusion… we should work on this document more because it’s a process of unfolding like any worthy practice. I feel the difference exploring all this. this document will be really powerful when consistently informed by experience, the results of tests, documenting miracles, taking the ideas and driving them around the block.
same scratch joe
“poeple everywhere would realize”
“got this handled”
The editorial process benefits from a fortunate balance of technical and aesthetic competancy.
Being good at a lot of things defines the creative professional
Consumer culture is
entering, “ok howard tell the doctor about your feelings…”
“Well Doc it’s like this. I think that like so many other white guys, i have this incredible need to identify with black people and make some kind of personal reparations… you know… for slavery. it’s really bothers me and see that’s driven me to this wild fantasy scenario, about the masters of earth and how the race thing is this sort of divide and conquer strategy implemented by non terrestrials, off worlders. I don’t like to say extra terrestrials because there’s no extra about them, they aren’t better than us, they are just greedy colonizers and empire builders, ragtag conquistadors lording it over tiny planets in out of the way corners of the galaxy, exploiting them for all their worth. All human beings are slaves, to keep us from ganging up on the masters they split us and make one skin the field bosses… and the only reason they didn’t use eye color instead of skin color is because skin is easier to see from far away. There’s all this imposed hierarchy – the men over the women, the light skins over the dark skins, the humans over the other animals, authority over experience. the dark skins maybe are naturally stronger and more noble than the lights, smarter even. so they make them the lowest, they get the worst treatment. they tell the white skins they are better. there’s this whole system to subjegate the planet, keep everyone down, one against the other. what do you think doc, can i be cured, is there hope?”
black doctor, fatherly – “sure son, you’re gonna be fine…”
black doc takes the white aside… lethal injection, under my authority. this is a virulent meme that spreads like wildfire through the population, you were right to keep him isolated. orderly?”
a hundred short scenes, glimpses.
our abundent energy
and keeps us looking
and feeling good.
This is for myself.
but at some point we must provide fuel to sustain and brighten the spark. that fuel is success.
success has two parts, completion and effect. effect could be the appreciation of an audience, a crucial lesson learned, a change of awareness or simply income. success is needed to keep the spark going. artists die because they never noticed the effect they had on the world. optimism acts like an octane increasing additive, it stretches the success farther. conversely, pessimism reduces the effectiveness of the fuel. optimism alone is not a fuel
there is so much to know – the secret is to know what to know, and what not to know, to
acquire equipment at just the right moment and allow it to pass from the hands when the job
is complete. acquiring knowledge is a strategic investment, it’s great to learn things that remain
current and risky to invest in that which is likely to obsolese. are there universally useful things? can we be flexible in thought and conception? How does forgetting fit into all this?
diy film school is a comprehensive catalog of what we don’t know about how to make the films we want to make. once we know what we don’t know, we can decide what we most want to know and find other folks who want to know the rest.
• the approach is to knock off a combo reel with camera work and edit together
• camera work must be improved – better preparation and practice (whether i call myself a cinematographer or not)
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