Posts by dan from
Starting narrative roll
Roll at the start This may or may not be a true story. In some universes, this following characters and scenarios will never exist. In many others, they will. Realities that we imagine as discrete, supposedly separated by the hard edge of quantum collapse are often quite leaky. Individuals either by accident or through…
Read MoreThe opinions and narratives offered on this podcast are not necessarily my own. At least, not quite yet. They may never be my own. I reserve the right to test drive iconoclastic perspectives and paradigms so as to evaluate their usefulness. This podcast is my creative wind tunnel. Note that btw, usefulness – utility, pragmatica,…
Read MoreHallucinogenic Realm
What if Veronique’s haunt is actually a sort of prepper bunker, a metal womb. Also the biomass of Gerry and Christina surrounds her, but she maybe has pushed it back to give her more room to breath. Either the bunker itself has sort of translucent walls and we see the womb beyond, or the womb…
Read MoreMotorcycle
close up pix of gleaming components, feeling like models, very shallow depth of field, getting bigger, filling the screen motorcycle as erotic photography, what makes erotic photos erotic? Steve Ballance library, and in the non physical. Let’s do it Steve!
Read MoreReturn of the King
This virtousic, gorgeous starship, keel caught in slag and frozen lava. This 500 year old Hobie 16, stored in grandmother’s extra big root cellar and dragged out for the adventurous and dream sparkled shamanic girl child, who must sail to kill the reactor monster. Every movie with a talismanic chariot, transport of some sort. All…
Read MoreRe: Re
What was a movie, a metaphor, a game is now actuality. The movie to make is the guide book to the now, so many stories, that which doesn’t fit into a prior category, here we are. The kitten and I create a circuit together, configured in posture, I in a sort of Nuit like sky…
Read MoreJune 17, 2021
What to do with Daughter of God after a worldwide coup attempt in RL. The Clique followed the path of least resistance, through the administration of a global gullibility test. A great many people passed, that is to say, were proven to have be ready and willing to abdicate responsibility for their well being to…
Read MoreReception
This post is a production planning document, with an emphasis on preparing our perspectives. Everyone who has been invited to participate is known to me to be willing to explore and be surprised. We are all for the most part not holding onto preconceived ideas about what is and what can be. Stated in creative…
Read MoreOpen Source Studio
shucks just lost the last version of this post, just vanished. Recap… What if we posted all the elements of DOG online to enable collaborator experimentation and remix? Two benefits 1) I have to inventory all the elements anyway, I keep flashing on what’s out there, it’s wanting to resurface. 2) Inspired by the crazy…
Read MoreThe Leaky Thesis
i’m learning about stocks and the market. My recent brainwave is a twist on the idea that stock prices are effected by events in the world. How do we get news about those events? Corporate and state controlled journalism is unreliable and seems to be intentionally inaccurate. That shouldn’t be news to anyone 😉 Maybe…
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