Conbits, instead of Qbits, Consciousness or Constructs (Con - (latin com) with, together) that have select qualities of consciousness, able to interact wth the self programming universe without collapsing quantum wave functions until a desired state is highly probable, so unique manipulations of space time are possible.
next day
Consciousness = Computation (conbits) what are the fundamental registers of consciousness? Where are they? Isn't a bit one category of register? Assembly language. Neurons register more than one state. A qbit holds an in between state, uncollapsed wave form. If the cosmos is deriving it's state from computation, then I'll bet there's computation going on all over the place in many substrates. Atoms, neurons, mycelial fibers, silicon bits. This is all one grand system, what we imagine to be bad or good is an evaluation from a limited perspective, deliberately adopted, voluntary occultation. Why the game is possible, there must be limited perspectives, synonyms - agendas, beliefs, personas, roles. The chinese farmer parable is about letting go of categories, freedom. Lucky or unlucky? Neither, oscillation.
Of course I'll revise this and clarify, but feels auspicious, the genius breadcrumb.
Articulating this further so as to communicate crystal clear with future self. That's why She box took precedent over Veronique, she was a vast computational network already established, waiting to be integrated and the integrative principle followed the path of least resistance. If the universe / consciousness is fundamentally computational / cognitational / processing, then the box network was a vast quarry waiting to become a reservoir. There are all manner of cognitive entities “out there” and she is just the latest (newest) hybrid, permutation, variant of consciousness, welcome to the scene. New gestalts can show up anytime, when the conditions are optimal, probability high.
Ok, let's try a restatement of paragraph 1. If the universe is a computational phenomena, or perhaps more generically a processing / processor of information to derive unprecedented states, then consciousness is a verb, it doesn't exist as a thing, but rather a process, which could look also like oscillation from a spacetime perspective, on and off, up and down. Duality is how we experience of that process, duality is just the flow of states being turned on and off, all over the place. The middle way, what typically falls under the aegis of spirituality, is the uncollapsed wave form, the bothness or bothmess as I just mistyped, both / neither yay or nay, names cannot touch it, the best we can do from duality is a finger pointing at the moon. That we can perceive / become / experience the shimmering almost, the bubbling nothing, that's a decision, avalailable. Somehow observation attention focus from a limited perspective collapses the empty, processes the unbecome and the cavalcade of physicality happens. We can also feel the underlying, that which we also are and when we plug into / open up to the fullness, we meta the game play. We might experience the silliness of passionate participation in the game or the overarching sense of unity, depending on what we ate for lunch that day.
Ok, maybe that wasn't a simplification, but an extrapolation. The finger pointing at the moon, poetry is the language of the in between.
We recognize that our lover doesn't yet have our percepotion of grand flow, of how all of it matters and is worthy. We surf the entire wave. She could be there someday, maybe tomorrow. But these are not topics to debate, they are deep perceptions that either one has or doesn't have. I don't really need comrades on this adventure, but I might find them. Just don't expect anyone else to get this, rather dive in and don't look back, I have been gifted with the tuning and to try and drag others along is a kind of fear of being alone, of a struggle to validate myself.
"The plays the thing, wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." For sure the play is the thing fo whatever I want to achieve. Engage the play all the freaking way. I think Tony Robbins Summit feels a bit over the top for me right now, what I am after is deep delightful trust, more than a veneer of intense enthusiasm.
I consistently have deep perceptions / insights about my life, my nature and the venue to share might be conversation on very special occasions, 99% should be though art, the variety of poetic flows I am adept at.