Package Delivery

Package delivery

Night time on beach, there's a bright moon. Joe mutters "Cosmo's moon!" Standing by his bike, Joe activates the iStone and thumbs the surveillance preset for Gerry's cabin. (The box allows this intrusion, as Christina is there and impossible to catch Gerry's attention without clueing her in too. However in the conception asteroid sequence, the boxes create an ad that both Gerry and Christina can see, but only Gerry might understand. "Try Spooky Ghost Flakes, all the ingredients you expect right now, or your crypto securely repatriated'

Is that it, was that the one?

Christina palms her belly.

"I don't think so. We have to do it again."

"Ok, I can, I mean I can go again! I want to go again, can we?"

"spermatazoa capacitation in process, genetics coherent, countdown to conception 33:22:11 hours.

"execute Special Delivery, designated addresses, sync to countdown"

A dense star field is partially obscured by a craggy black silhouette. There's a second star field occluded by a different silhouette and a third with yet another silhouette. Between the first star field and it's silhouette, a tiny blue flame ignites with lava red sparks, trailing off in slow motion. The flame winks out. The blackness shifts, and becomes a faintly glimmering surface,.illuminated as it rotates into distant light. The first silhoutte is a school bus hunk of iron ore, the second a leviathon of a dirty snowball, each object in turn moving relative to the stars. Light plays across unsuspected divots and humps, sparkling ices of methane and water as the the entire field of stars scrolls from left to right. The edge of a frost edged blue green arc slides into each star field, and expands until there is only the Earth and the three dark visitors, moving in. Spray painted on the surface of one visitor is the word, "Surprise!" [or a double entendre? plebiscite? amazon smile? enjoy the show! you're welcome, video game reference?]

Joe pockets the iPhone and starts peddling vigorously.