2025 Timeline
YEAR -19 [2023] rabbit year
- Gerry born
YEAR -7 [2035] rabbit year
- Gerry born
YEAR 0 [2042] dog year
- Christina born
YEAR 09 [2053]
- Christina and UJ on Rosie
- Christina = 8
YEAR 14 [2056]
- UJ demise
- Christina = 11 (old school adult)
YEAR 18 [2061]
- Christina = 16
- WEEK 5 [January]
- billions wiped out in simultaneous "random" cataclysms, ongoing
- WEEK 11 [March]
- boxes appear
YEAR 20 [2063]
- Gerry arrives on big boat
YEAR 23 [2065]
- Gerry = 42 - 12 = 30
- Christina = 23
- March 12, Wednesday
- Gerry begins secure research on box communication protocols and encryption
- isolates 3 boxes in faraday and audio / video blackout rig, monitors energetic transmissions
- September 28, Sunday
- She Box to UJ "Weeks before Christina arrived, he had been attempting to hack the mediatronic ubiquity, the boxes."
- Gerry finds box colonized by fungus in forest
- hackathons begin
- October 21, Tuesday
- Christina arrives on big boat
- October 23, Thursday
- Gerry on weather deck, sees Christina for the first time
- November 7, Friday
- 9:27 am Gerry final hackathon on boxes with fungus
- November 8, Saturday
- 8:38 am Gerry continues hackathon
- November 9, Sunday
- 5:15 am Gerry takes a break, topside watching for Christina
- 5:45 am Christina returns
- 5:55 am last hack - sentience catalyzed
- 6:23 am Gerry sleeps
- 6:42 am cabin sentience! 33 boxes distinct from ubiquity
- 6:43 am Box creates firewall and spoofs surveillance feed
- 8:53 am Joe's final surveillance
- 9:43 am Joe arrives
- 10:10 am Joe departs
- 6:12 pm Christina dresses
- 7:30 pm Gerry wakes, Box explains
- 7:33 pm Christina at Gerry's cabin
- 8:00 pm "tea?"
- +32 hours for conception
- 9:23 pm
- Joe on beach with bright moon
- iStone confirms fucking
- iStone "spermatazoa capacitation in process, genetics coherent, countdown to conception 33:22:11 hours.
- iStone "execute special delivery, multiple addresses, sync to countdown"
- tractor rockets engaging, 3 shots from different angles (torch and iron filings, slihouttes of asteroids with earth in background)
- November 10, Monday
- 5:30 am-ish
- Joe checks countdown, minutes remaining
- iStone "warning, proximity to impact, please take evasive action"
- 5:33 am
- meteor strike on the Clique
- iStone "3 hidey holes destroyed, Clique fatality 93%, casualty list scrolls"
- Joe tosses iStone against glow of impact (sunrise)
- conception, Twin DOGs
- November 10, Tuesday
- transforms to Buffalo Joe
- Joe wanders Theme Park Earth
- establishes oral tradition
YEAR 25 [2067]
- WEEK 36
- BJ at People's Poetry Slam
- WEEK 42
- Friday
- finds She Box
- Saturday
- hallucinogenic realm
- return
- Friday