Thriving and Politics

Gerry from non-physical

The Fedgov is stated simply a crime syndicate. Although different factions vie for control within the syndicate, there's a detent in force among rival factions defining or carving out specific territories and income streams. These factions are probably not the two political parties of democrats and republicans, liberals and conservatives, but the actual factions are probably more nuanced, multi-polar, shifting and hidden in plain sight.  They factions divide the spoils generated from various operations, but primarily, we the so called citizens are the cash cows, providing the labor and ingenuity that generates actual wealth.  This wealth is harvested/extracted primarily via ubiquitous fiat currency systems.

One might dedicate their lives to finding out what's really going on, but that requires going beyond established / entrenched information sources / paradigms, and probably requires entrance into one or even multiple factions through wealth, power and/or sheer charisma.

Ok, so this means that most everyone you know is in the dark by intention and furthermore incentivized to not explore. Individuals are encouraged to not know what's actually going on, as the "truth" would be extremely traumatic. The truth will set you free, and if death is the ultimate freedom, then our goal might be to know and stay on Earth. If you don't want the truth, then just live your life and best of luck.

We understand the world through stories. Intense (horrific) movies like Apocalypse Now or The Godfather are not literally true, but they help us to imagine what might be true. To enter into the mindset of people we might not otherwise ever meet or relate to, but are influencing our RL experience.

Who wants war? Some people profit from war, so it might be helpful to walk around in their shoes, to experience the story they are telling themselves. If a movie allows us to identify with the antagonist, then that movie might help us to perhaps assess who might be the antagonists in RL and perhaps cope with or outmaneuver them. This flavor of cinema could be approached as a warrior, because we desire to be strategic and effective in RL. That's one benefit of cinema, books, fiction generally.

I suspected the existence of the Clique while in TPE, and now I see that their motivations were for them, visionary and benevolent, if silly. Sure, some folks who were sexually abused as children become abusers themselves. I suspect for the most part, those who do harm to others are not acting out of past trauma, but rather think they are doing the lords work, helping their brothers and sisters, or creating a better world. In other words, they see themselves as the good guys, not mustache twirling villains. They cannot perceive of themselves as monsters, rather they imagine themselves and constantly confirm themselves as heros.  Our response then is to recognize that we have been invited to play a cosmic game. We don't need to hate our opponents, to chafe against them and their acts, but instead to outwit them, to out perform them, to out organize them, to become grandmasters of play.

That is the premise of TPE. When we look inside and unplug the suicidal subroutines, remove horror stories from our cognitive queue, when we take the time to find out what we really are - divine gamers in a simulation of limitation, by george then we can play to win. If our own perspective has inherent flaws, ignored inconsistencies, shitty manifestations, then our game is going to be less than stellar. If we are here to take full self responsibility, engage with life and choose as adroitly and virtuosically as possible, why by jiminy, we'll have access to the best life ever, AND we'll win, whatever that means to us. Decide to win.

Is our opportunity and ability equal? What would be the fun of that? There are myriad facet configurations we designed before entering TPE, so your fullness must have thought that that your unique configuration would make the gameplay exquisite. Looking at what you showed up with and how that might be deliciously deployed right her and now is the bomb.