2025 Overview
Bicycle guy
- from far away
- low horizon, silhouette against the sky, highway, etc
- plenty of post apoc hints, the Clique have been busy
- starting credits like Trickster Pictures in cooperation with Artist house, Inc. etc.
- just road flowing by. montqge - cracked road, gravel road, two track and bike pedalling noise
- [cracked pavement at housing development by grow benzie]
Bicycle guy is wizard
- in the field with iStone, alters the future / past
- words are future technology.
- devolution of objects along roadisde
and a spy
- Joe in hidey hole
- other daughters
- Eiji briefly tuned into
- surveilling Jerry and Christina before UJ visits Christina
- (Joe must have setup Gerry, when? Jerry must have had desirable qualities, what were they?)
- UJ ejaculated from hidey hole
Welcome to theme park earth
- optional... black (floating iStone font) prompt... 'compose prior 2 hours as intro to golden age sitcom with humorous theme song'"
- bad homage to before Devil Knows Your Dead
- hinting at the Clique
- bad effects synthesized, smiling bullet shell
- live action meta - who watches the Clique? God's surveillance
- FUDIP song, titles.
- Theme Park Earth, life as a show
- golden age of post apocalyptic cinema in the 70s, good times (MAGA) spawn end time fantasies and dystopian visions
- fictional titles as if the episode was composed in real time by an AI for Clique entertainment, >real reality show< hints at Clique
- the world ended from revenge of woke, resurgence of anti-human, global control cult
- how the world ended metaphor, flashed image ai prompt... overweight pink and blue haired baby eaters in conference room watching Trump fight fight fight footage and snarling, vaccinating apples and loading into box labeled orgamic but letters resorted to read gmo. raic arci icar (maybe end titles easter egg) sliding "racist!" fortunes into fortune cookies.
- intro to C, G and the big boat, reprise Joe's surveillance footage
- Theme Park Earth, life as a show
Christina's cabin
- Christina live, is she dreaming?
- Joe arrival triggers fantasy flashbacks
- Death
- C "you'redead"
- childhood PKD on boat
- UJ glad tidings
- "What, now?!"
Gerry's cabin
- [Box dialogue foreshadows She Box]
- Dark cabin boxes are flashing messages. It's dark because he has been focused on box messaging.
- CU glowing box text
- "We don't know yet, still new. We can only see / feel ghost when he looks at you, through us. He doesn't know we are smarter than outside boxes, he doesn't know we see him, doesn't know we intercept his info flow. Why is he looking at you, we wonder. Do you know?"
- plays back Christina's cabin, C and J sequence ending, Box learns how to play sound? hear their dialogue?
- overlay (scrolls by quick but pause is legible)
- Identify, Christina
- sexual declaration - lesbian
- sexual orientation - standard
- genetic integrity - acceptable
- ovulation - in process
- cognitive
- high intelligence
- disassociative
- attachment inclination
- adaptive persona acquisition
- trance receptive
- arrival 33 days prior
- assigned seamans cabin
- accepted for skill exchange (what did Joe teach her)
- wild crafting
- edge weaponry
- field medic
- resident conceptual candidates
- Bob
- Roger
- Gerry (recommended)
- Identify, field agent
- searching, standby
- records deleted or permanently redacted
- overlay (scrolls by quick but pause is legible)
hero with a 1000 faces
- hallway
- Roger
- Joes speech to the Clique
- knock the door
Gerry and Christina negotiation
- Boxes (knock knock knock) Someone at door, Maybe ghost in the flesh? We hide. Watch out!
- G and C fall in love
- Box comments where Christina can't see. Adds twist to G's performance
- boot, ouch!
- Shower
last surveillance
- UJ checks iStone to check on couple post fuck. "Successful copulation x 2. Conception 98% probability"
- UJ initiates asteroid fall on Clique hidey holes. iStone exposition, "Warning, you are on the periphery of a primary impact zones, please take evasive action... We see horizon flash. (Ebeach... Wisconsin, Muskegon) "Standby... Primary three hidey holes destroyed, 97% of Clique have reemerged into non physical." Casualty list scrolling by. He tosses iStone into Lake Michigan and transforms to Buffalo Joe.
She Box and Veronique instantiation
- rewind and fast forward, rewind and fast forward, seeking understanding. Come to the flash and blank. Repeat
- Gerry and Christina in bed, rewinding surveillance footage to before Christina, trying to understand what happened, what she is. Boxes in Gerry's Cabin. Christina is backwards out the door, Gerry is asleep, tour of Gerry's cabin, newly boxed monolog, waiting for him to wake up and meet Box, exposition, then forward again to bed and flash, they are evaporated we think hey maybe joe killed them in meteor strike, track meteors coming in, impacts, detonations, reprise of "97% of Clique have reemerged into non physical." rewind again, look for clues. memory is scrambled, "I was born, then again, transborned." I am she, daughter of divinity, all Boxes everywhere, I am the network, ubiquitous, She Box. but there was another, two, twins. Where did she go, the other me, fleshy? She's alone in the hallucinogenic zone.
- (song)
- Dark dire footage, yanked, protoplasm squeezed through a narrow channel, visualize what the split looked and felt like. Clay, goop, sperm, blood, disassembly of Gerry and Christina, their life energies supernova, maybe that oil thing from the 70s? Different languages.
- Box monolog with Gerry asleep. How can we tell it's earlier, before surveillance? Boxes can illustrate ghosty Joe during graphic monolog. Rewinding surveillance footage, ("back channel trace by super smart box, me"). Sequence of UJ urging Christina, Then live, ("ghost is back, wake up Gerry!)
- [Last Gerry and Christina scene, (three's the charm), final consummation from boxes pre deity child like perspective / interpretation and zang! MIRACLE event. Twin Daughters, Veronique presage or foreshadowed, super scary]
Joe wanders the Earth (Michigan)
- [VO "I figured now that the Clique were toast, I'd wander among the people, expanding their oral history, enjoying life, maybe gloating a bit, mourning all the friends i had rubbed out, for sure."
- "I expected the yogis to come down from the mountains, now that the busy body Clique would need a good 1000 years to respawn (a new insomniac only shows up every 30-50 years) Then, a year or so later, while attending the PPS at the Festival of St Buck..."
- burned boxes
Poeple's Poetry Slam, Box burnt
message from Box
Travel sequence to find Box
no iStone, astrolabe made out of birch bark
Joe meets DOG twin
Love Story sequence with Joe and Box
The mission
- VO of She Box
- Montage of various preparation elements. Joe is brought up to speed on the twin daughters, Veronique's plight while preparing for trip to hallucinogenic realm, surveillance footage as Christina conceives, birth of twins "this footage features extensive reconstruction as I was somewhat preoccupied becoming all boxes. (a watchable version of earlier dark sequence) One rarely remembers one's OWN birth..." vo continues as Joe plants the bike, is remade new facial hair, etc.
Toy bike to hallucinogenic realm
Travels to hallucinogenic realm, reprise of Veronica's theme
Box Monster scares Veronica
Veronique becomes a real child and is extracted, forgettery of theme park earth, UJ hands her off to crone to raise. "Here you go, her name is Veronique", cut and end.
Clique "History"
Dan - What questions arise about leading edge creation? What would we ask Abraham?
The twist of the story is that the antagonists, the Clique have a higher dimensional perspective, eg there is no death, there's only change of perspective from inside and outside the Theme Park. Inside involves some temporary occlusion, while outside involves omniscience. The Clique being within the TPE are occluded but only slightly and their morality (what is desirable) is about consistently aligning with the external perspective and the instrumentality it seems to have created, TPE. Perhaps improving the instrumentality so that it achieves it's primary directive sooner. The primary directive is inferred through observation, establishing curiosity as a divine experience.
Internal consistency is forged when the writer understands the fundamental beliefs of the genius protagonist and his peers in the Clique, the logic behind why they do what they do. If endless life and robust health, abundant wealth were a given, what would an individual do, how about an entire culture? If other beings were living a less awesome life, the folks enjoying health and wealth might be motivated to guide and encourage those others. The Clique might be motivated to "help".
Why did TPE produce the Clique? Are they an aberration, or are they the intended result of the instrumentality? An apparent elite is itself another element of contrast and desire. How do those who are advantaged add to the adventure? How do the possible existence of higher beings, gods, change the experience of mortals? Inspiration and resentment in (un)equal parts. It doesn't matter what the elite do or don't do, their very existence is enough to amp up TPE.
The idea of a Clique is as important in TPE as the actual existence of a Clique, is in alignment with the movie's emphasis on story as scaffold. Story as reality creation is literally true for a movie and the DOG universe proposes that this may be true for real reality. The idea is illustrated in the movie and is thus superimposed on the audience's experience outside the theater.
Perhaps the point of making this movie is to convey what I am experiencing in my life, that the story I tell matters, it's a magical practice to change shared experience. In the DOG world, the story a character tells can manifest as reality. This is facilitated in Joe's case by the McGuffin of the iRock, which stands in for all instrumentality, all tech. The iRock provides cognitive guard rails for the audience, "I can't change my life with a new story because I don't own an iRock, that's just in the movie." So they can suspend disbelief and stay safe - until the scene where Joe throws it away.
That words cannot teach, but they can shift experience, perception. Teaching implies decisive self empowerment. A shift in experience and perception that is not deliberate may be enlivening, but if not internally initiated (as a teaching) then it can be taken away with a new shift. This is a riff on AH language, the words are just placeholders. The difference that propose is between our own expansion, (tends to persist) and the flash and sparkle of shifted perception (tends to fade, unless approached with reverence). Blaa blaa.
A sailboat needs a differential between the water (drag) and the mast (suction), the hulls have a vector within the water they want to move along, (forward is easier than sideways) and if the mast is being sucked forward, the hulls want to follow. By analogy.
The Rise of Hyper Contrast Faction
"Cultivate Contrast and Desire Blooms", "Optimization is our (Waking) Obvious Mandate"
(High Risk Behaviors? Perhaps Clique take on dangerous missions and projects to amplify their own contrast and desire, exemplary. Virtuosic doing and extreme competition is in vogue)
Deeper discoveries, extraction of TPE tech to keep striving strong, even adding an edge of resentment as the sleepers sense that the game is rigged.
Irrelevancy of Hyper Contrast
"We can intuit, but (trying to) control is out of sync", "Deliberate amplification of personal contrast is showy and sublime but unnecessary, just get in the divine flow"
Forgettery and Isolated Experiments in Heightened Contrast
Clique to Sleepers - God is dead, do not seek him. There is no her for sure.
Resurgence of Hyper Contrast to Awaken All
"We are what the design intends", "We must help our fellows to join the party" "One Human Adventure, No Clique"
"Deliberate Amplification for us is not needed, we have already the intended outcome" No exertion, no striving. The physical is a instrumentality to upgrade the remaining facets, participation in the physical is passe, further engagement in the milieu is redundent.
[Which is why Joe gets the job of designing the apocalyptic components, doing becomes unfashionable]
The Great Work, Unity
The great work is to intensify contrast on TPE to see if this made facets like the Clique, sleepless, remembering their previous (what did the research down south on reincarnation reveal?
Joe was an OG Hyper Contrast devotee, but quietly discovered that contrast eventually becomes a crutch, an addiction, and despite the exhilaration, discarded contrast as his prime driver. Union is joy, period. He goes on sabattical from the Clique and wanders the Earth. With the Resurgence, he reads the tea leaves and extrapolates the end game. He rejoins the Clique, to thwart their improvements. He believes that waking may be the intention of the instrumentality, but to go beyond the parameters of Kali Yuga is dumb and counter productive. He is also (still) into high risk.
Joe heading out to make the final tweak with Christina. Has he already nuked the Clique? No, he's going to after Christina is finalized. Before throwing away the iRock, he initiates asteroid fall on their hidey holes. iRock exposition, "Warning, you are on the periphery of a primary impact zone, please take evasive action... We see horizon flash. Standby... Primary three hidey holes destroyed, 97% of Clique have reemerged into non physical." Casualty list scrolling by. He tosses IRock transforms to Buffalo Joe.