2025 DOG Cosmology

Here we hammer out the rationale of the scenario, checking for internal self consistency. Is there a big hole in the hull of the ship, cracks that the illusion can leak out of? Not only reacquainting myself but updating and distilling.

It's a Story

Words are inadequate to parse the concept of god. An exquisitely detailed map is not the same as the terrain. This is just a story, not an explanation of reality. Because we are not bounded by obsessive correspondence with RL, we might actually get closer to TRUTH. Certainly BEAUTY 😉

This is world building in the spirit of Gary Gygax's D and D from the 1970's. In this cosmology we borrow from and riff on Campbell's world mythology. This is more than a rehash of old tropes tho, we have to delight in our imaginary cosmos in order for our characters, (both mortals and the divine), to adventure coherently within it.

One Miracle

Let's begin with a question which suggests a premise. Give me one miracle...

If the concept of god implies absolute power and knowledge, could god choose to become more powerful, to expand knowledge? Could god grow?

[flashback to the middle ages - did vatican scholars debate god's growing?]

Another trope of divinity is oneness, our individuation is somehow illusory, all souls somehow comprise one soul. God is simultaneously unity and multifaceted.

Imagine a conscious diamond. A single facet on a diamond is a 2D plane bounded by edges. Together, all the diamond's facets comprise a 3D geometry, that also defines an internal volume. By the logic of Edwin Abbots's Flatland, each facet would have a 2D consciousness, (planar and edges) whereas the entire diamond would have a 3D consciousness, (the union of all facets and the volume within.) Since a diamond is not separate from it's facets, 3D consciousness would suffuse the whole.

What if facets could temporarily forget that they comprised a diamond?

If god's knowledge is complete and power is absolute, then newness or growth is impossible. All would be known and possible, there could be no questions, no curiosity, no desire. How does god transcend omniscience and omnipotence? By simulating limitation.

Theme Park Earth

Theme Park Earth or TPE is instantiated with / by god as a spiritual instrumentality to expand that which is already everything. Duality is the defining principle - here and there, then and now, this and that. Duality differentiates parts from wholes. Divine facets explore TPE as if they are merely facets, not integral to a divine geometry, not sharing in higher dimensional consciousness. The discovery of what, of why? The lights in the night sky, the behavior of fish, the shapes of a clouds are all mysteries. What are they, why are they? Because of the occlusion TPE affords, facets get access to questions and curiosity.

How can a subset of limitation alter a superset of all that exists? When curiosity and desire exist, omniscience and omnipotence explode. TPE is an essential divine hack that blooms eternal expansion.

The argument for exploding omni's is of course, a straw man, because god is pure imagination and as Einstein almost quipped, imagination is more important than knowledge. God doesn't need or care about power and knowledge, they've got imagination. See Artist house 2024 business plan.

Starting Conditions

TPE features constraints or physical laws such as gravity, electro magnetism, and pressure. To enter TPE, facets select starting configurations based on preferences for research and exploration. Preferences may originate with a single facet, be shared with the entire divine geometry or some combination of the two.

Starting configurations have both expression and context. Facets can express as anything they wish, such as a mountain, a tree or a human. Context for humans include genetic lineage and conditions of wealth, health, intelligence, etc. A facet's awareness of their divine identity is never fully suppressed, and occasionally an acute sense of divine connection may persist after configuration, especially if their expression is non human. Some facet's are even able to remember previous visits to TPE. The majority of humans, however are influenced  by TPE's intense forgettery protocols, and have clue about who they really are.

As a divine instrumentality, TPE can only simulate limitation, it cannot limit divinity in actuality. Facets can create anything within TPE. Although hard work or genius is often attributed to creative capacity, creation is only ever about a facet's decision to perceive themselves fully. This is the so called law of attraction, which is simply how the divine manifests in duality, and how TPE enables transcendance of the omnis.

A facet out of sync with divinity manifests contrast. Contrast is a helpful feature of TPE in that it provides immediate feedback about divine alignment. Contrast can be misinterpreted as punishment or evil, but it is always feedback about a facet's relationship with it's divinity.

Contrast is also considered a powerful driver of expansion, as it tends to amp up curiosity and can inspire new desire.

The Clique

The Clique is a loose association of humans who do remember their divinity and previous visits to TPE. They can't maintain constant rapport with the divine, as duality is polarizing and always presents as pairs of opposites, eg god and human. Divine reunion is only sustainable when facets decouple from TPE and reemerge into the non physical.

A tiny minority of these unique humans feel there is no significance to their status at all, and go off to live on Himalayan mountaintops, become record breaking freedivers and/or host popular podcasts.

For the Clique, their unique status seems significant, and though there is debate among them, by and large the Clique believe they have been either selected or reconfigured by the instrumentality of TPE to be a sort of nervous system. They see themselves as the managers and stewards of the instrumentality. The Clique often refer to themselves as the awoken, and the rest of humanity as the sleepers.

Since the Clique imagine themselves as managers, they seek to optimize TPE function. If TPE enables divine expansion, could TPE be tuned or adjusted to accelerate expansion? If expansion is desirable, expanded expansion must also be desirable. As contrast is a driving force of expansion, increasing contrast on the facets would accelerate expansion. Contrast is possible with an increased detuning of facets from their true nature, an upgrade of the limitation simulation.

Clique - check me

The Clique are comprised of those that 1) remember they are god and 2) decide to manage TPE for max expansion. The two most obvious aspects of TPE are forgettery and contrast.

Most of the Clique opine that max expansion requires max contrast, eg pain and suffering.

The Daughter of God premise, revisted. The Clique want to boost desire and thus expansion by making Theme Park Earth more intense, extra contrasty. MGC or Multiple Global Catastrophes would generate beaucoup contrast, and those that reemerged into non physical would respawn quickly as the surviving sleepers would fuck like rabbits in the vast empty lands.

[Could there be more sleepless spawning in? tho the cause of sleeplessness is not well understood. [debates within the clique  on why leading edge creators would want to know they are god, or does theme park earth (expansion) work better with forgettery].


"How could an Abraham Hicks culture go astray? Work on the clique concept a little more to be sure they are in line with Abraham but slightly occluded in some significant aspect."

They are within the instrumentality, and regardless of thier divine alignment, are tucked into a duality perspective.  Their analysis of TPE's design can never be comprehensive, they seek to interpret 3D geometry with 2D cognition. This is an obvious error, how can this mistake be more subtle? It's a lot like the idea of managing the wilds, whose innate intelligence is beyond the scope of science du jour. In that sense a nice analogy, perhaps more sympathy for the self appointed by misguided stewards of today?