BJ+Box 043


[Intimately, yes. 2]

Does she want me to find her?

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"Intimately, yes." (upper left) overlapping faces as if they are the same (twins + intimately) This suggest that they are the same and opposed as one face is looking directly at us while the profile is not, they are contrast or have a different view.

was just imaging "Waldo" as a girls, would that break copyright issues or I wonder if it would be simple to have the pedestrian symbol with a "Waldo" hat and striped sweater. This also makes me think of the similarity in the pedestrians body position compared to the footage of Big Foot where it seams he has a similar stride - might be fun to animate the pedestrian growing the hair/fur of Big Foot with the lured suggestion/question, does Big Foot want to be found?

Upper right: Square (box) shaped magnifying glass with the bifocal lens shaped like DOG symbol zooming in to a star or something equal and that same tiny image in the distance is shown zoomed in in the detail of the magnifying glass.

"Does she want me to find her?" Bottle bobbing on the sea, message in a bottle. Washed up on beach. Also genie.