BJ+Box 038


[They are not the origin of the burnings, no. 6.]

Holy smokes, this is some game! What other players are on the board? The burning box said the Daughter of God are twins. Duality, pairs of opposites. Is there an evil twin?

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What other players are on the board? - Chewy and C-3PO play an obscure 'space chess' with many bizarre creatures as the 'players' - almost a trope these days where characters in a movie play games like this. The idea would be to zoom in on the board and focus.

"The burning box said the Daughter of God are twins. Duality, pairs of opposites. ..." - Box icon (fire inside?) with open lid (box flaps could animate as if flaps are lips talking [box opens from just being a square]) > open box transforms into symbol for Gemini (twins) as bottom flaps open > fire symbol in center of box turns to star as the left and right sides transform into DOG symbols > finally closing to circles as star sprouts into circles and build branches/roots or abstracted fetus. This finish shape is also the cross section of a torus.

(top right) in answer to the previous question (037) (But the clique are ultimately responsible for the burnings? > They are not the origins of the burnings, no. 6.) *it's a clue/foreshadowing, "Clique" as clicker pointing at TV with fire on screen as if clicker/"remote control" is really in control but as you see the TV with flame on screen is receiving signal from a tower over the horizon with crazy shit going on back there as well ie the "Trippy Realm" : The other twin, Veronique.


chutes and ladders multi-level 3D game, populated by so many little cavorting sprites. Perhaps CU of block dude forms iconic symbols, star of david, swastik, hammer and sickle, crescent of islam, corporate logo...

Holy smokes, this is some game! What other players are on the board? The burning box said the Daughter of God are twins. Duality, pairs of opposites.  Is there an evil twin? Chess motif again, duality in black & white, face-off, trippy realm board, web-entangled.

