BJ+Box 021


[We share that perception but that's is not what our we refers to. No. 15.]

Do you have physicality?

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BJ- "Do you have physicality?" -- Squares, (2-d boxes = hint) float around to compose a female face. might be fun to compose the scatter of boxes/squares as familiar constellations, another hint that the boxes/DOG is/are not of this world.

BJ- "Do you have physicality?" as states of matter - could try to throw plasma in there too if easily illustrated. The image above shows the molecule constituents composing solid, liquid and gas. Could animate the balloon flying and fizzling as the air is let out of the mouth or popping and maybe vibration rings atop the water glass or simply the molecules moving around at different rates?

"we are all one" - previous dialogue pair, could flash between multiple motifs. This could be composed as animation, from individual (ie "one") to many (5) sharing the same head and then back to individual - interesting the word "individual" literally means "un" + "dividable", if "we are all one" we are un-dividable in a sense.

"we are all one" - previous dialogue pair, could flash between multiple motifs.

"we are all one" - previous dialogue pair, could flash between multiple motifs.

"We share that perception" connecting heads through juggling thought clouds.

Perception as waves received, propagating through space spherically. She Box is jesting that she receives cubically, which implies or suggests that she's fundamentally a different sort of receiver. This is a level deeper than her dialogue "That's not what our we refers to." The images offer information rich supplement to her words.

BJ asks She Box, "Do you have physicality? 4 images... She spontaneously displays a can of soup, the label morphs into a can containing the cosmos, the lid is opened and the cosmos spills out, then the can and cosmos shrink and become a flickery projection on a drive in movie screen. She answers, "Most definitely. Yes." Physicality being a minor perturbation of the non-physical, a projection. A can has a lot less room to contain the cosmos than a box does, more improbable and thus perfectly appropriate to illustrate the idea of maya, illusion.