BJ+Box 012


[Is that another question?]

Uh, what?


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Plate etiquette: ready for more also makes the christian symbol of the cross as well as the cross hairs in a rifle scope. Ear as a question mark (?) with hand behind as if to catch the sound better "Another question?"

"Is that another question?"

She is showing herself comically grandiose (in the form of Oz The Great And Powerful) as She asks him this. She is the She behind the curtain puling the levers. This is her humor showing. Plus all that goes along with wiz of Oz references etc.(traveling to trip realms...) and Arch of Covenant.

"Is that another question?" SAT test dots, the numbers 1, 2, 3 have the reverse number of dots. I'm not sure what this means, but kind of interesting.

The hated SAT fill in the dot format, bring that back with a vengence. A sheet of numbered multiple choice fill in the dots rolling away endlessly into the background, with one row prominently displayed in the foreground.

The circle of death when a computer is doing something complicated - She Box is pretending to process, as if she is trying to figure out if he just asked another question. Because clearly that was a poke on his part, but she turns the tables.

A graph of the conversation, maybe with variables like box production rates or number of questions asked and percentage of yes vs no, then one data plot forms a question mark.