BJ+Box 006


[Twenty questions? Excellent. No, this is our first meeting. 19 questions remaining]

(pondering) Are you now or have you ever been a card carrying member of the Clique?

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"[Twenty questions?"= 20 puzzle pieces spread out then come together as question mark.

"Excellent."= Thumbs up sign

"No,"= crossed out phone because they haven't formally communicated.

"this is our first meeting."= native person and explorer meeting first time.

"our first meeting"

hands shaking, maybe god and adam hand, or hand of shadow and hand of light, or hand in curved sleeve and square sleeve, or hand mirrored.

Two armies on field, negotiation - indeterminate outcome.

saucer with Klaatu vs tank or tank becomes cat... tank/cat/tank/cat.

Norman Rockwell cartoon of black kids in the neighborhood.

yes/no = thumbs up/thumbs down, cat love eyes/cat dead eyes