Veronique and Buffalo Joe

Buffallo Joe arrives. Veronique is chopping up meat on a rock. She doesn't look up. Everything happens in telepathic space


Here you are, at last.

(turning to gaze at her entourage)

You may go

Well, what have you come for?


I am excited for the answer to that question, too

To revel, to grok, to visit my kin

I'm wondering also what your alliance with these control freaks portends

I wasn't expecting a puppet


You perceive as your expectations dictate. You imagined I was a creature of the Clique, an impoverished conception. Still, you persist in your perspective. I perceive you as your full presence, so now - you know.

(scene is flooded with light, BJ barely discernible. OM sound.)


Ouch! Too bright. (shielding his eyes) Please come not in that form! (Squinting, obviously uncomfortable) What about them? (pointing to the camera) this translates to cinema not so well. Visually pretty boring. Would you return to my misconception, for their sake if not for mine?


Ah, yes. Truth is a faux pas here in duality, this incarnation is young and callow. Conditionality takes a bit of getting used to. The play's the thing. Theme Park Earth. Let us instead tell a story.

(she is again a puppet)


Much appreciation.

Here's what I know so far...

You have not struck an alliance with the Clique. My bad.

As the mystery incarnate, you are what the Clique yearned to be. What their grand plan was reaching for.

That's why I threw a monkey wrench in.


Yes, Joe. The Clique are much diminished. Generations must pass before the sleepless are reborn and ready to regroup. Without their stewardship, contrast has eased, duality is softened. The People are rediscovering the wild ways. AND you are responsible for us. Here we are, just as you dreamed. Your plan was a great success, almost.


The boxes?


You're intelligence was flawed, Joe. You didn't know about the other. The presence of the other at the ultimate consummation. The theft of fire.


A mediatronic and mushroom transgender Prometheus.


The Clique's most nefarious instrument, the network of mediatronic boxes. Constant surveillance and prodding of the People. Unknown to the Clique, you subverted a few boxes to monitor and guide your chosen candidates, including Christina and her mate, Gerry. Just one of your many matches. Future mothers for the divine feminine. From their girlhood, you were the beloved Uncle, family friend, mentor. The mothers of the daughter of god.

You choose too well for Christina.


She was one of my favorites. Never knew whether she was coming or going and just didn't care. I wanted a smart one for her. Gerry.


The Clique were trying to awaken Gerry, they had dialed up his contrast. When he didn't respond they left him for dead. You quietly salvaged him, then set him up to get the big boat after the world ending. The boat you guided Christina to.

Gerry had come close to waking. He theorized the existence of the Clique, suspected the boxes were designed for control and oppression, and he was determined to hack them, discover the truth.


Instead he created the truth.


You blaspheme. We are the truth! And the light. Shall I remind you?


Please, no. I agree. You are the truth and the light. You also have a twin.


An accidental assemblage of organic chemistry and quantum processing. Your bungling uplifted this chaotic muddle into an abomination. The latent sentience of Gerry's boxes split the divine energy, diluting our presence. Not twins, hardly. We are one.


Are you not the mystery incarnate?


We are the mystery incarnate.


Yet you share genesis with the boxes.


The boxes are a mistake. An aberration. A usurpation


Does the divine expand by colonizing the unknown?


Divinity is expansion, a colonization of the unknown.


Is the unprecedented equivalent to expansion?


The divine expands into the unprecedented. Discovering the unprecedented is the primary function of duality.


The boxes are unprecedented in all the cosmos. Are you not inspired by the boxes?


You know very well we are not inspired, we are the source of inspiration based on desires from duality.


You burn the boxes.


The Clique emulate us. Their desire is to heal split energy. We exalt in this desire and radiate the fullness back to them. The Clique show the people that the boxes are a rogue AI bent on planetary domination. The people burn the boxes. The Clique are mounting an assault on the autonomous factories and stealth airships that produce and distribute boxes. The boxes will ultimately unexist.


So you have no desire.


We delight in the energetic manifestation of desire. We do not desire.




Divinity cannot desire


You are divinity incarnate. There's a difference. You are recently incarnated?


Yes, recently.


Your incarnation is young and callow?


This incarnation is young and callow.


As an incarnation, desire is implicit. Yet you deny your incarnation, you deny desire.


We are unique, we are the incarnation of the divine feminine. What do we want for? What desire could this incarnation possibly have?


To be a child. Your incarnation has never had an opportunity to grow.




Nine months in Christina's womb, where you should have been touched ONLY by Christina's heartbeat and breathing, lulled by her muffled conversations with Gerry, jostled blissfully by their lovemaking. This experience of growing was denied you by an overwhelming stimulus.

As you and the boxes divinely co-originated, you we're symbiotic and in constant communion. But the boxes were already a global presence. From conception you were inundated not only by the vast inflow of experience from the millions of survivors but the blooming sentience of the boxes. You incarnation longs to be what it is, a child.


What is the nature of a child?


To start over, to be surprised and laugh, to be startled and feel fear. You cannot not know, but you can pretend to not know. That is the nature of all incarnation.


Then I shall be surprised and laugh. I shall be startled and feel fear.


Let's start with the later. (Whistles.)





Kirk debating M5 and Nomad here, weakening the all powerful and then the coup de grace. Box Monster.