Book of DOG Introduction

Book of DOG, as posted on with links emailed to prospective contractors 12-01-2008. Posted 04-21-14.

Daughter of God presents a detailed universe complete with defunct advertising, health advisories, safety posters, end times grafitti and more. I had originally planned to design and illustrate all these elements myself but I’ve got to concentrate on the technical post production work described in the updates.

So I am inviting a select group of collaborators to take over specific design and illustration jobs. I am also opening up the conceptualization process. Collaborators who are feeling particularly visionary can make suggestions for enhancing my ideas and propose entirely new stuff, based on the universe described here in the Book of DOG.

Financial compensation will be partially deferred and modest, about $50-$200 for each completed design or illustration. See the draft letter of agreement for details. All contributing artists will also get credit in the movie and have my profound gratitude.

There’s a variety of resources here for hooking into DOG. Contents links are at the top left of this page.

Check out the resources and get inspired, then email or call (email is best) with a proposal for what you want to work on. The best way to communicate your idea is with some kind of visual – a sketch or file. Here’s more on proposals.

If your proposal fits the project, we will negotiate compensation and I’ll commision you to execute the design. I’d like to have all the proposals in by 12/10 and work completed by January.

Please keep this confidential.

Thanks for checking this out and have fun!


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