01-03-07 science fiction

core / life master / 2007 / january / well today is 1/3/07 (01/3/07)
science fiction for freaks to make science fiction, one has to live it – story theory

and that means i don’t want to wile away this month fucking around, i’d like to be free and clear this month. c’mon. mostly it’s the naps and long breaks, the british system of production. of course how do they get that craftsmanship if there isn’t time to make things with attention and detail? so that’s an environment to build in, but let’s also have a look at the rings and see about the making of that. what occurred on the way in here is that scifi is not about robots and aliens (the two top movies sf of the 80’s 90’s) it’s about people and the human experience, which is really just saying art in general. so what is science fiction? what is speculative fiction or fantastic fiction? it’s the other view of what we are, the view that’s hiding around the next corner, the i’m not sure who i am after all, or i never was sure. it’s the journey, the spiritual journey, which is not to wax romantic, but rather to open the gates to mystery, horror, magic, extrapolated science, is much the same. all of these must be internally consistent to feel satisfying, but the most important thing to express here is the discovery. what all this is about is discovery, of surprise, from a monster jumping out of the closet to the subtle awakening of consciousness. what science fiction is allowed to do is go where the freaks live. the freaks are real, and they experience (daily) the extraordinary. to relish such experience, to be available to it, to be thrust into it without your consent, that is the journey of a freak. science fiction is the story of the freaks, written by freaks for freaks. normals (folks who fit into the system) don’t want or need it. when science fiction is bad, it’s normals wrapping tinsel to the tree, it’s ritual scifi. to make scifi, one has to live it.

so now i’ve done yoga, it’s 11:11 and i am gonna watch more of aliens making of

08-23-11 and that’s why science fiction is dying. with the system shattered, the prospects for staying normal are not good, you’re going to have to be a freak to survive. you can’t get much weirder than right now.

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