core / life master / 2006 / october / between 10/24-10/27 (10/27/06)
airship script fragment
we have a title, rivers in the sky. if you can get in those rivers, you can go where ever you want. a river implies a state change, therefor sailing is feasible.
and there are such things as software wind tunnels. the name of the ship, kathrine hepburn, cause she’s plucky and resilient and graceful and athletic. her captain see’s himself as the reincarnation of spencer tracey, an older man loving a younger woman, like bogart and becall. his ship is his love. high atmospheric balloons. near space. what do we know about spencer, this might just be a red herring. but i like the ship as KH.
he never married her, catholic, couldn’t divorce. they lived together. dated howard hughes. mmm.