surveillance pollen

The spiders or nano cameras are like tiny grains of pollen, once they drift into place they are static. What they lack in mobility they gain through sheer ubiquity. We are seeing the world through these cams, that’s why the shots are mostly static. Suggests and interesting treatment for stabilizing the hallway shot, and having…

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The universe of boxes

June 14, 2014 mediatronic summary. A computational granule is a simple computer that can transmit, receive, process and store data, enclosed in a capsule that can either absorb or reflect energy, primarily electromagnetic (light) and to a lesser degree kinetic (pressure waves or sound). A surface becomes mediatronic when sprayed with computational granules suspended in…

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recent musings

The tech has reverted to earlier forms. Black and white images and crackly broadcasts. Another Dicksonian reference. This is the civilization gentle crash as orchestrated by ? where did everyone go? Later… I’m really enjoying these ads. The sheer meaningless of them is exhilarating, because actual ads are so perversely meaningless, to make meaningless adverts…

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campfire apocalyptic reenactments

Around a campfire 4 people remember a movie by reciting it. Eventually we understand that they have memorized it, blocking and even special effects are described. That is the interpretation great describers. Originally, I thought it might be fun to recreate Wizard of Oz, but now I think It’s a Wonderful Life, because that’s equally…

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What ist am I?

What ist am I? Awareness is my way. Science and religion both miss the point when they ask us to deny our awareness, what we just know. Not know from common sense or by faith, by analysis of data or by memorizing some scripture, but know from being alive. What’s worth cultivating and the basis…

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scratomgarde 1st to seed the new age 1st in seed for the recovery 1st in seed for the renew age Monsanto Executives, hunted down like dogs

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Ads and Sponsors

06-17-14 when things settle down… past all the hubbub… upon return to normalcy… after the trails and tribulations… we shall return… to our golden age utopia has been postponed until after the fall of civilization reputations are suspended for the duration of the crisis, trade with care   Are you tired of this -> Renewal…

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Garden crime

Michigan’s right to farm act repealed. You can’t have chickens or bees in your backyard. No Farmers the possession of home grown meat or produce is a crime, keep food in factory packaging be prepared to prove provenance do not accept your neighbor’s crops factory farms forever goats kill animal raising means fines or jail…

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Science Fiction Musical cross pollination

Science Fiction Musical cross pollination ••• 09-28-13 imagine the universe as two flies fucking. not one fly, but u need two flies to represent the entire universe, and they’ve got to be fucking. ok so see that in ur mind two flies. those flies are the universe and everything in it, ok. but WHERE are…

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Alexander's speech at the end of the world

[Process Log 02/09/14] We started this epic war for revenge and it has brought us to the edge of the world. The world we know, the gods we know. I want to see this edge for myself, the priests of amon have declared me the son of god, and perhaps this is why we’ve been…

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