The universe of boxes

June 14, 2014 mediatronic summary. A computational granule is a simple computer that can transmit, receive, process and store data, enclosed in a capsule that can either absorb or reflect energy, primarily electromagnetic (light) and to a lesser degree kinetic (pressure waves or sound). A surface becomes mediatronic when sprayed with computational granules suspended in…

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recent musings

The tech has reverted to earlier forms. Black and white images and crackly broadcasts. Another Dicksonian reference. This is the civilization gentle crash as orchestrated by ? where did everyone go? Later… I’m really enjoying these ads. The sheer meaningless of them is exhilarating, because actual ads are so perversely meaningless, to make meaningless adverts…

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Ads and Sponsors

06-17-14 when things settle down… past all the hubbub… upon return to normalcy… after the trails and tribulations… we shall return… to our golden age utopia has been postponed until after the fall of civilization reputations are suspended for the duration of the crisis, trade with care   Are you tired of this -> Renewal…

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Garden crime

Michigan’s right to farm act repealed. You can’t have chickens or bees in your backyard. No Farmers the possession of home grown meat or produce is a crime, keep food in factory packaging be prepared to prove provenance do not accept your neighbor’s crops factory farms forever goats kill animal raising means fines or jail…

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humans are by and large irrational animals. that’s the game we’ve signed up for. accept that or be constantly disappointed. it’s uncommon to find anyone who can stay balanced between intuition and caprice, knowledge and deadly certainty. i might aspire to being enlightened, to wisdom, but who have we met that has achieved it? that…

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Ads jsox, chaos grows markies, a proven strategy jsox, the new war, transparent high yield power pop – for the movie that is your life 05-22-13 Meat probes 12, you gotcha! ••• 06-21-13 Cheeses Christ! [giant flickering 3D hologram of rio jesus made of swiss cheese 04-15-14 ] ••• 10-15-13 100% employment for ur autistic…

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hand towel

hand towel by sink – Hilton Toronto, our hotel, your home 04-24-16 A more obvious reference to the trials and tribulations? Our resort, your refuge. Escape to luxury, Finest in the First World, Stocked and Secure

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